5 Tips To Build Your Community On Social Media.
Ultimately, everyone’s goal on social media is to grow a larger following. You’re totally lying to yourself if you say that you just want to stay at the follower count you are at right now. In the past, growing on Instagram meant doing tactics like follow for follow or follow trains. But techniques like that just don’t work anymore. Instead, focusing on growing and nurturing your community is what seems to work better at having an engaging audience. I’ll admit I used to use those old tactics but it never felt right to me. Over time, I shifted my mindset from needing more followers to growing my community. The difference is creating a bond or relationship with people that ultimately grows your community and engagement organically.
Will cultivating a relationship with people grow your community on social media and eventually lead you to having more followers and engagement? Yes! That is my goal and your goal after all. In fact, I believe more people will be drawn to your genuine self and in turn you will get more followers. I recommend losing the old way of following people because you want them to follow back. What does that follower even do for you? Does that follower buy more of your products? Does that person like/comment/save your content? Probably not. Commit to a follower that will do all those things and more! If you’re shaking your head and want to shift your mindset to your community but don’t know exactly how to do so. I put together 5 tips for you to help build your community authentically on social media. Start implementing them today and come back and let me know in the comments if you see a change!
Thinking about transitioning your Instagram account to human + Dog content? read this post!

5 Tips To Build Your Community On Social Media.
1. Show genuine interest in people.
Sounds easy enough right? Showing genuine interest in people will get them to open up. Ask specific questions about their post or their responses in comments. Ask about a person’s recent trip, wedding or dog’s surgery. Get the conversation started like you would in real life. This leads to tip 2…
2. Spend more time writing genuine responses.
Spend more time writing 1 genuine response to one person rather than 10 uninspiring responses. If I take my time to talk about a topic on my social media, I hate when someone comments with “so cute!” Most times, I skip over inauthentic responses and look for people that really want to get to know me or vice versa.
3. Share about yourself.
You can’t expect people to open up when you don’t or can’t do it yourself! Share more about your life, your dog, your happiness and your set backs. People can relate to these things and it will start a conversation. Let me be clear, I am not saying tell everyone ALL your business. What you choose to share is up to you and you do not have to share all your deep dark secrets. Perhaps start with a daily routine you have with your dog.
4. Consistently Show up + Follow up
Consistently showing up for you audience means they start expecting you to share your life on a regular basis. I started doing a Live series with dog moms consistently once every week on Instagram. Now my audience looks forward to the dog mom of the week to see if they want to tune in and learn from them. Respond to dms and comments consistently. If you say you’re going to do something, then do it! Show up for your online community. Of course life happens. So do the best you can. Your community will be understanding to your need for self care.
5. Give Back To Your Community
Giving back to your community does not need to be financial. Sure a giveaway with the hottest electronic is nice. But there are many other ways to give back to your community such as sharing your communities posts, giving to a follower’s charity and sharing freebies about dog training tips (or whatever is your forte.)
If you implement these tips, please let me know in the comments if they helped you grow your community organically!

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