Puppy hood is not easy! Anyone who says so probably didn’t do it right. Or perhaps they should be teaching us how we are doing it wrong. I don’t miss the late night and early morning bathroom breaks, the cries through the night or puppy teeth that feel like a shark’s teeth. But I do miss the innocence and cuteness that puppies bring. One look into those sweet puppy dog eyes and you forget all the trouble they have caused.
I asked my following on Instagram about the worst thing their dog did as a puppy. They sure delivered with their WORST puppy stories! It may not have been funny when it happened but they sure are funny stories to tell now.
I start with my personal nightmare story with Teddy and continue with others’ worst puppy stories below.
A huge thank you to the dog mom community members who shared their stories! You brought me and countless other people lots of laughter and joy by sharing.
What’s The Worst Thing Your Dog Did As A Puppy?

One early morning, After Teddy’s bathroom break I left him out of his crate. I fell back asleep and when I woke up I saw Teddy had chewed through part of my VERY expensive rug! I collected all the little pieces and had to have an expert rug person put the rug back together. Also, VERY expensive. I still have that rug and you can see a variance in the rug where Teddy chewed through it as a puppy.

Juicy ate half a tray of lasagna off the kitchen counter, twice!! Mind you she’s 7lbs! Izzy: rolled in cat poo and then went to cuddle w my dad on the new couch lol. Both happened at the grandpawrents house 🤦🏻♀️😂
My puppy decided to pierce open a bottle of nail glue with her TEETH… I was traumatized.
My dog would always chew on power cords as a puppy. Not shoes or toys, but power cords. One day I came home to my condo and saw a fire truck and police car parked outside and they blocked one of the entrances. Being my first dog I was convinced he somehow shut off the power in the building or started an electrical fire or something. I was able to get back in my unit and all was well but I knew I needed to shake him of that habit ASAP!

Louis peed and 💩 on my friend’s cream-color living room carpet and bedroom rug. I felt so bad and embarrassed. I tried to clean up the messed and scrubbed my butt off but left a light stain in her bedroom rug.
Rolled in his own poop.
Ate my dinner off the kitchen counter when my back was turned 😩🙄

Charlie chewed his way through his crate. Got his head stuck. Couldn’t get out and then fell over sideways in the crate. I watched it all on our dog camera and had to leave work to go save him 😂

As a puppy, Koda thought bike riders were the enemy so She taught herself exactly how to bend and twist quickly to escape her harness and chase bike riders down the street! It was quite a scene with new puppy parents running 🐕 🏃🏻♀️ 🏃🏻♂️ down the street screaming.
We took her to the beach thinking it would be a fun time. Nope. We would throw the ball and she would run right past it at full speed and not stop running.
As a puppy and all through her life Koda is obsessed with tv commercials. She comes running from wherever she is to see her favorite tv commercials! Her favorite one is the dogs driving the car. She jumps up onto the tv continuously which you may have seen in her stories.

When Finn was a puppy, he ran away and ran into the neighbors yard. I couldn’t catch him for about 20 minutes. He decided to take the biggest poop in the neighbors backyard. Another bad thing was peeing on a lady’s UGG boots the other day at Fetch park. Mom had to apologize 😳😳

I found these amazing vintage 1960s MCM chairs for our dining room. Wiley chewed up the legs on ALL six of them when left alone for a few hours. Thankfully they were repairable but it was NOT cheap 😬.

Cooper was a good puppy.. However Miss Lilly May got busted eating one of my feminine products 🤮 so I made her vomit with hydrogen peroxide.. She threw up the product and a second layer threw up a pair of my underwear!! That’s when I knew I needed a hamper with a lid 😂
Penny used toe eat poop of other dogs , birds, rabbits basically any poop on the ground and then try to lick my face 🥺

One morning after our walk, Jarvis was acting funny & super drowsy. I took him to the ER & lots of money later we found out he had eaten weed off the ground. I don’t smoke weed but apparently my neighbors do.

Sofi was a good pup overall but the first few days she came home she would drag her used pad all around like living room like a game 😂 at first it was funny but then she dragged a used one 😖💩😂
Annie ate my shoes, and not just any shoes, my expensive sandals, all of them 😂 Diesel was honestly such a good puppy lol. He tore down the Christmas tree once which was naughty, but he also trimmed the bottom better than Lowe’s did so was it really that bad 😂😂😂😂

Apollo poop strikes in the rain, and it’s been that way since he was a puppy. One day it was raining but we took him on a long walk when it stopped and no poop for the whole day. We came back inside and my husband and I began to clean up the kitchen. We noticed he was gone for awhile but he had been good about potty training at that time so we weren’t worried. When I was getting ready for bed, I almost stepped in poop that was left in the walk-in closet 😅😅😅 I wasn’t mad and laughed about it, but Apollo started to get embarrassed and just had that look on his face like sorry mahm 🥺😂

Henry did so many mischievous things from chewing my favorite sandals, to escaping from his harness—twice! To swallowing a bully stick 🤦♀️ needless to say, he was a handful 😂😂😂
Harley dug a hole in my wall..through her crate.
Believe it or not I’m actually a pretty good girl and didn’t do destructive things like that. But my late brother was another story 😂 he has gotten into a bag of chocolate that my male human didn’t put up high enough on the shelf and ate everything, including the wrapper. He didn’t have any problems and actually pooped out the wrapper 😂

Locke would steal my husbands glasses and chew off the arms of the glasses. He had to have them replaced a handful of times. At the time we just started dating so he was too nice to say something to me; I.e ask me to pay for it! Hahaha!
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